Critical component in SEO audits | Develop Site

When a project needs to be updated in order to have adequate performance in the natural positioning is very important to consider SEO technical audits. This is so that a clean structure of our project while it is easy to track assures better results and prevents end in complete failure. You can optimize the content, as well as having the best links but that would not make a difference if we not have a good SEO Technical Audit.

Although SEO audits detect problems with indexing, standardization, navigation and structure of internal links, optimizing content, site maps, managing advanced features like AJAX, etc, there is another important component sometimes overlooked strategy domain.
Understand the strategy to be carried out by a company on which domains and subdomains use is very important to maximize the efficiency of SEO work. If a company ignores the domain strategy misses the opportunity to have a strong impact to the competition without reaching an important development.
