What is Responsive Web Design? | Develop Site

What is RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN?. Basically I think it is related to the fact that with the evolution of emerging technology different formats in which to display information from the user

According Wikipedia:

Web design adaptive or adaptable is a design technique and web development by using structures and fluid images and half-queries in the CSS style sheet, get tailor the website user environment.

The continued progress of the formats for user not only pass by mobile forces include this concept in what is known as ONE WEB that specifies that all web development must aim to be accessible from all types of device

diseño web adaptativo, responsive web design

The power of this concept suggests that with HTML and CSS is possible developments in all formats without relying on specific solutions

This means that our project will be optimized for all types of devices such as computers, tablets or mobile moviles.Por other hand, we must also consider the facilities for optimization with search engines
