Errores en Drupal 7 | Develop Site
# drush updb
4 byte UTF-8 for mysql is activated, but not supported on your [warning]
system. Please turn this off in settings.php, or ensure that all
database-related requirements are met. See the documentation on
adding 4 byte UTF-8 support for more information. (Currently using
Database 4 byte UTF-8 support Not supported)
Fb_user_app 7001 7001 -
Performance 7001 Harmonize notations for milliseconds to "ms".
Performance 7200 Move summary data from old performance_summary table to new
cache bin. Note that we now cache per language and
separate anonymous users from logged in users! During this
migration, we do BASIC separation between anonymous and
logged in users based on admin paths. Back up your data if
you want to keep the original logs! DRUSH NOTE: make sure
to set a proper $base_url using the --uri parameter or by
means of a drushrc.php config file! Alternatively you can
setup a $conf['performance_key'] = 'my_unique_key'; in
settings.php when using multiple domains for one site.
Performance 7201 Add new language field to performance_detail table.
Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
4 byte UTF-8 for mysql is activated, but not supported on your [warning]
system. Please turn this off in settings.php, or ensure that all
database-related requirements are met. See the documentation on
adding 4 byte UTF-8 support for more information. (Currently using
Database 4 byte UTF-8 support Not supported)
Cannot change the definition of field [error]
performance_summary.millisecs_max: field doesn't exist.
Performed update: performance_update_7001 [ok]
Cannot add index time_cron to table fb_user_app: index already [error]
Performed update: fb_user_app_update_7001 [ok]
WD fb: Failed to get application (195878755287) access token. [error]
WD fb: (#12) Failed to get app properties for Develop Site.: REST API[error]
is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher (12)
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
Finished performing updates.
- blog de ernesto
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