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Search engine friendly web design

dev2512's picture

When we started our project on the internet and we consider that the SEO factors will affect it to be search engine friendly, we can say that we are well
And so good that we are actually aware of the benefits we can get short-term project with a well-developed

This will improve the competitiveness of our project from the very beginning and we do stress upon the advantages of a friendly development. For example:

Taxonomy upgrade extras [en:field:taxonomyextra:blog:label]: 

GIMP 2.8

Making Ubuntu update to version 4.12 I found some headaches as the need to upgrade to version 2.8 GIMP

I had to uninstall GIMP 2.6 as follows:

  • sudo apt-get remove gimp
  • sudo apt-get update

Then I did the upgrade using a PPA:

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install gimp
Taxonomy upgrade extras [en:field:taxonomyextra:blog:label]: 

Attracting traffic

I was thinking about this and like trying to have a more global view of all that means traffic to our project
I think the internet is an interactive medium that is composed of a large ecosystem of links and if we understand how SEO techniques and search engines interpret the relevance of content, the number of references to this will tell us if these links are relevant or not
This vast network of links are generated in different ways that are complementary according to our traffic acquisition strategy.


Duplicate titles

Reviewing the information from Google Webmaster Tools see that there are duplicate titles when using friendly URLs so we decided to test the module GLOBAL REDIRECT

Once activated, an alias provides a nice clean URL for a route on a site. Drupal however does not remove the old road (eg node/1234). The problem is that now you have two URLs that represent the same content. This is dangerous territory for duplicate pages you can get sandboxed by the search engines

Taxonomy upgrade extras [en:field:taxonomyextra:blog:label]: 

Community mental health related

psico2512's picture is a project that aims to develop a community focused mental health.

This project was developed based on the Drupal framework using a standard template called Garland.

The digital images and vector are developed with applications GIMP and Inkscape free license respectively.



SMO Service Blog

dev1506's picture

We are applying SMO (Social Media Optimization) techniques on the GRUPO FUGALIA related services Unblocking and diggers
So we've added a plugin called RA-Socializeand now we have found problems with W3C and we are seeing as giving solution
Date: 23/05/2012

  • Contacts: 1514
  • I like: 130

Google +:

  • Friends: 178
  • Followers: 1



SEO Twitter Google

Given the arrangements between companies that are having Google and Twitter is watching benificiar can have a greater presence on Twitter

We do this by thinking about the links can be generated

At first we decided to link to Twitter from the web looking for more user participation and we are seeing of evaluation results

Taxonomy upgrade extras [en:field:taxonomyextra:blog:label]: 

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

fumadrid's picture

We began the day performing some optimization to social communities. Tedious work that must gather information, answer queries and track contacts
Anyway, we seek to position the brand FUGAS DE AGUA MADRID using different techniques SMO
This is a world and the project is being seen as a very important need
It is interesting to consider whether it is a work to be performed by an outside company or may be something that is done using the resources
Date: 18/04/2012



fumadrid's picture

Baiduspider bot is a Chinese search engine Baidu. This generated a lot of traffic and taking up too much bandwidth. We have tried to block it using robots.txt file but only worked for a while.

According to Baidu specified on your page, with just an update of the robots.txt file would suffice.

User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /

But so far yielded no results. In any case clear that this can take several months


Evaluando calidad de visitas

fumadrid's picture

Estoy mirando a el porcentaje de rebote para evaluar la calidad de las visitas al blog. En nuestro caso experimentamos un porcentaje relativamente bajo en Madrid. El objetivo es ir bajando este porcentaje, para esto estamos adaptando las paginas de destino a cada palabra clave proporcionando información y anuncio de los servicios que se ofrecen


SMO (Social Media Optimization)

fumadrid's picture

En el dia de hoy estoy haciendo prueba con un plugin para Wordpress llamado RA-Socialize Button. Este plugin agrega los botones de Facebook, Twitter y Google + al finalizar cada entrada o pagina.

Por las pruebas que fui haciendo en el blog funciona correctamente. Su instalación es bastante sencilla en Wordpress

Para poder configurar lo tenemos las siguientes opciones:


Dominios sin fecha de final en Plesk

Como consecuencia de que podemos olvidarnos de la fecha de vencimiento de un dominio en Plesk y como se consideró que no era necesario que hubiera una fecha final y se configuro a todos los dominio sin fecha de expiraciòn.

Para poder hacer esto ingresamos al panel de control que corresponde al dominio en Plesk y seleccionamos en la sección de ESTADISTICAS la opción USO DE RECURSOS



Dominio PRO

werkenmapu's picture

Si eres un profesional acreditado los dominios .PRO pueden ser una buena forma de cuidar tu marca en la red. Ofrecen a las empresas locales e internacionales una imagen de pesonalidad y confianza.

La necesidad de que sean profesionales o empresas certificadas las que lo usen hace que sea necesario completar formularios especiales que acrediten su situación


Python basico para desarrolladores en PHP

Este articulo puede resultar interesante para aquellos desarrolladores en PHP que se vean en la necesidad de introducirse en el mundo de Python.

Se tiene en cuenta la perspectiva de los desarrolladores en PHP, traduciendo conceptos familiares en PHP como variables, listas o funciones dentro de sus equivalentes en Python.

Articulo original:


Error 503 WEBCEO

dev1961's picture

When you query Google through Web CEO, your requests form a queue at a Google server. When the queue length reaches a certain size, the server stops accepting new requests, returning an error 503 (Service Unavailable). Your connection settings may have something to do with the problem.


What is a CMS?

dev1961's picture

Internet users need more content web control and independence information. This situation allowed develop CMS application.

A content management system (CMS) is a collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. The procedures are designed to:


OpenEMM 6.1

dev2512's picture

OpenEMM 6.1 comes with a slight GUI rebrush, an update of the import wizard, improved handling of deleted target groups and various bug fixes. For the full list of features and bug fixes please have a look at the ChangeLog file.

OpenEMM 6.1_RC1 is ready for testing and for your feedback (please use the corresponding entry in forum "Bugs, bug fixes & releases"). Thank you for taking the time!

