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I can not log in as root and copy file
I can not login as root and copy a file from the Ubuntu desktop to the folder /var/www
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In the home directory of the account on bluehost are porn related files
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Installing Opera on Ubuntu 12.04
Today I will install OPERA 12.02 browser over Ubuntu 12.04 because I have problem when I enter in
To begin with I will add the software source repository using the nano editor, creating the file opera.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with the command:
- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list
After opening the nano editor add the repository using :
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- developsite's blog
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Import large databases with Phpmyadmin
Today we have a local installation of a project that has a database of more than 50MG. By default, Phpmyadmin only supports 2MG forcing us to make some changes to the PHP.INI file and so to import the database
The changes are as follows:
How To Create A Wordpress Database In phpMyAdmin
In this video we learn how to create the database for our project in WORDPRESS
This very well explained and can help us in our first projects with this application and we can get out of some trouble
Wordpress is an application that is being used and is very useful for those who begin their projects online, is easy to install and this video helps us a lot.
I hope you find it useful!
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- ernesto's blog
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Border-radius: crear bordes redondeados con CSS
The property border-radius enables web developers to design rounded edges with CSS3 in their designs without using images or use multiple div's.
The example you see in the picture was made with the following code:
Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce platform Magento
Before studying the advantages and disadvantages of this ecommerce platform try to understand what are the main features.
Recovering phpmyadmin username and password
In our daily work as a webmaster we can find that when we are doing local testing of our project we do not remember our password..
One way to retrieve the username and password of phpmyadmin on ubuntu 9.04 is editing the file:
SEO Twitter Google
Given the arrangements between companies that are having Google and Twitter is watching benificiar can have a greater presence on Twitter
We do this by thinking about the links can be generated
At first we decided to link to Twitter from the web looking for more user participation and we are seeing of evaluation results
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- viajeshogaral's blog
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Lightbox2 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
* Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2010-095
* Project: Lightbox2 (third-party module)
* Version: 5.x, 6.x
* Date: 2010-September-22
* Security risk: Highly Critical
* Exploitable from: Remote
* Vulnerability: Access Bypass, Cross-Site Scripting
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