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Installing Opera on Ubuntu 12.04
Today I will install OPERA 12.02 browser over Ubuntu 12.04 because I have problem when I enter in
To begin with I will add the software source repository using the nano editor, creating the file opera.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with the command:
- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list
After opening the nano editor add the repository using :
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Import large databases with Phpmyadmin
Today we have a local installation of a project that has a database of more than 50MG. By default, Phpmyadmin only supports 2MG forcing us to make some changes to the PHP.INI file and so to import the database
The changes are as follows:
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Border-radius: crear bordes redondeados con CSS
The property border-radius enables web developers to design rounded edges with CSS3 in their designs without using images or use multiple div's.
The example you see in the picture was made with the following code:
Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce platform Magento
Before studying the advantages and disadvantages of this ecommerce platform try to understand what are the main features.
Optimize images to improve SEO
Often we ignore the pictures but they can create a lot of traffic to our project
If we need to create more traffic, let's try using pictures. It is a complicated process
Good Practize:
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What is Responsive Web Design?
What is RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN?. Basically I think it is related to the fact that with the evolution of emerging technology different formats in which to display information from the user
According Wikipedia:
Web design adaptive or adaptable is a design technique and web development by using structures and fluid images and half-queries in the CSS style sheet, get tailor the website user environment.
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Questions related to systems of social media monitoring
For brands with active presence in social media monitoring social networking is one of the main challenges. Screening for other indications and interactions in social networks is a delicate and yet essential to any marketing activity in social media or simply building relationships with consumers.
Companies moving into the social media environment must, sooner or later, invest in technological tools to help them discover what customers, potential customers and competitors are saying and doing in social media.
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Modify the URL can hurt SEO on Google
This a very common problem and especially in virtual stores which involves the loss of positions in Google search results. This problem affects any project in internet. Anyway, do not worry much since applying some SEO techniques can be fixed quite easily
What is the origin of the problem?
Suppose we have little time to work on an e-commerce platform and decided to change supplier. At that time the store has several products indexed in Google and many with optimal results. This results in a good amount of traffic and resulting in an improvement in sales.
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Tips for improving our details in e-commerce
When working on a project of e-commerce , one of the most sensitive sections is the product detail page. This page acts as the true starting point for us to have a effective purchase. If we can not well made product that we talked abandoned. The problems that can present this page can be as important that can influence the purchase of the product or not.
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How much time is necessary to have benefits with our shop?
It is generally believed that when we create a virtual store should be getting benefits immediately, but it is not. Every online business or real works differently and there are no rules that work well for everyone, but what can be said is that if there is a time to sow and then reap the benefits. In this sense, electronic commerce is equal
We must start by considering various aspects to begin to not throw money. It hurts to do a training course prior and bear in mind the following items:
Create 3D text
I need to create a new banner and I thought to use 3D text for this use the free license application lnkscape .
The steps are:
- Select the text
- Convert to a path Path > Object to Path
- Ungroup Object > Ungroup
- And finally Extensions > Generate from path > Movement
and I have so:
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Recovering phpmyadmin username and password
In our daily work as a webmaster we can find that when we are doing local testing of our project we do not remember our password..
One way to retrieve the username and password of phpmyadmin on ubuntu 9.04 is editing the file:
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Web Design: Menu Css
Good morning, today I will write about how to solve a problem to add a kind of submenu on the website of a client
The question is this, if required by the SEO work is needed to add to the body of the page ( menu to see all the available videos. That's why I decided to do the following:
Template Atriumax alignleft
The next problem is the template I wont striumax and goes to see what you have to add the tag align = "left" with the problem that this is no longer accepted as XHTML and therefore considers the error W3C
The project is based on WordPress with TinyMCE editor that lets you use a class AlignLeft . To do this you have to edit the style.css
We then add the following code:
GIMP 2.8
Making Ubuntu update to version 4.12 I found some headaches as the need to upgrade to version 2.8 GIMP
I had to uninstall GIMP 2.6 as follows:
- sudo apt-get remove gimp
- sudo apt-get update
Then I did the upgrade using a PPA:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install gimp
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New page on facebook
I am creating a new page on facebook related to "diseño de oficinas modernas" phrases with the aim of promoting SEO techniques Proyectos Hogaral.
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Attracting traffic
I was thinking about this and like trying to have a more global view of all that means traffic to our project
I think the internet is an interactive medium that is composed of a large ecosystem of links and if we understand how SEO techniques and search engines interpret the relevance of content, the number of references to this will tell us if these links are relevant or not
This vast network of links are generated in different ways that are complementary according to our traffic acquisition strategy.
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Duplicate titles
Reviewing the information from Google Webmaster Tools see that there are duplicate titles when using friendly URLs so we decided to test the module GLOBAL REDIRECT
Once activated, an alias provides a nice clean URL for a route on a site. Drupal however does not remove the old road (eg node/1234). The problem is that now you have two URLs that represent the same content. This is dangerous territory for duplicate pages you can get sandboxed by the search engines
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Wordpress SEO
Joost de Valk habla en A4UExpo London sobre estrategias de optimización en Wordpress.
WordPress SEO Presentation at A4UExpo London from Joost de Valk on Vimeo.
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